Nucleic Acid Extraction

NES-32 Nucleic Acid Extraction System
The semi-automatic NES-32 nucleic acid extraction system is efficient, easy to operate and offers a throughput of 32 samples per run.

Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits
Four extraction kits are available: Nucleic Acid, Nucleic Acid (DNA), Nucleic Acid (RNA) and Whole Blood Genomic (DNA).
Molecular Diagnostics

960 Real-Time PCR System
It can perform up to 4-targeted multiple analysis. Test selection includes SARS-CoV-2, HBV, HCV, HPV, TB and HLA-B27.

SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Test Kit
Qualitative detection of nucleic acid in oropharyngeal swab, nasopharyngeal swab and deep cough sputum specimens.

HBV Quantitative PCR Test Kit
This real-time PCR test kit is for quantitative determination of the hepatitis B virus in HBV-infected individuals. With a high sensitivity of 20 IU/mL.

HCV Quantitative PCR Test Kit
This real-time PCR test kit is for quantitative determination of the hepatitis C virus in HCV-infected individuals. With a high sensitivity of 30 IU/mL.

HPV 16/18 Genotype PCR Test Kit
This real-time PCR test kit is for qualitative detection of HPV types 16 and 18 (high-risk types) in cervical specimens.

HPV 18 High-risk Types with 16/18 Genotyping Test Kit
This real-time PCR kit determines the presence of HPV 16 and HPV 18 in cervical specimens, with results that differentiate between the two, and simultaneously screens for 16 other high-risk genotypes.

TB PCR Test Kit
This real-time PCR test kit is for qualitative detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis viral DNA in human sputum specimens.

HLA-B27 PCR Test Kit
HLA-B27 is strongly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and other related inflammatory diseases, such as psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease and reactive arthritis.
Resource Library
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